ラマン分光法は、化学構造、相と多形の結晶化度、および分子相互作用に関する詳細な情報を提供する非破壊化学分析技術です。 これは、サンプルの識別および定量化プロセスに最適です。
ラマン分光法は、単色光源(通常はレーザー)をサンプルに照射し、散乱光を検出することで機能します。 ほとんどの散乱光は励起源と同じ周波数であり、有用な情報を提供しません。これはレイリーまたは弾性散乱として知られています。
入射電磁波とサンプル中の分子の振動エネルギー・レベルとの相互作用により、少量の散乱光がレーザー周波数からエネルギーをシフトします。 シフトされた光の強度を周波数に対してプロットすると、サンプルのラマン・スペクトルが生成されます。
Raman spectra usually plot according to the laser frequency, meaning the Rayleigh band falls between 0 cm-1. On this scale, the band positions sit at the frequencies corresponding to the energy levels of varying functional group vibrations.
Raman spectroscopy gives insight into the chemical structure and identity of a material as well as its phase and polymorphism, intrinsic stress/strain and contamination and impurity. Raman spectroscopy also employs both qualitative and quantitative applications. Spectra are specific and chemical identifications that carry out by using search algorithms against digital databases. Band areas are proportional to concentration, meaning Raman spectroscopy is amenable to straightforward quantitative analysis.
Raman spectrums usually depict a distinct chemical fingerprint for a specific molecule or material which can identify the material or distinguish it from others quickly. Alongside mapping (or imaging) Raman systems, image creation is based on the sample’s Raman spectrum. These images display distribution of individual chemical components, polymorphs and phases, and variation in crystallinity.
The use of raman spectroscopy is often in in microscopic analysis, with a spatial resolution in the order of 0.5-1 µm using a Raman microscope. The Raman microscope combines a Raman spectrometer with a standard microscope. It enables high magnification visualization of a sample and Raman analysis using a microscopic laser spot.
Raman spectroscopy is also useful for the analysis of micron size particles of volumes. It can also be used to analyze individual layers within a multilayered sample. It then pinpoints contaminants and features under the surface of a transparent sample.
Raman spectroscopy is frequently used for the analysis of solids, powders, liquids, gels, inorganic/organic and biological materials, pure chemicals, mixtures and solutions. In addition, it is used for metallic oxides and their corrosions.
Raman spectroscopy use is often in art and archeology to characterize pigments, ceramics and gemstones. It’s use is also in geology to identify minerals and their distribution, fluid inclusions and phase transitions. In addition, raman spectroscopy is useful for disease diagnoses, ensuring uniformity and component distribution in pharmaceuticals and monitoring chemical reactions.
多くのレーザーカンタム社のレーザー製品は、ラマン分光法に適しています。 詳細については、今すぐお問い合わせください。